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Religious Believes

    During its development, settlers who either first came in Mingjheng era or later moved in due to economic factor brought their religious believes with them to pray for the best of this land. Now temple festival is still one of the most important parts of local lives. Temples, in the past, served as the religious center to tie social value with morals and the site for recreation, leisure, and cultural life. Now W eatf traditional clustering of Yongan, tempfc reserve its role for hundred years and inherit the diversified religious

    Most people in Yongan Siang are the followers of Taoism and this ties with the settlement of clustering and history reflecting historical culture value of Han people from South Fujian, the present- ation of nostalgia. Traditional temples such as Yongan Temple and Baoning Temple, had the statures of Buddha and cultural artifacts held in conservation by residents due to the religious control during Japanese ruling over Taiwan and after the retrocession of Taiwan, these temples were re-modeled or re-built. People have enjoyed the full freedom of religious believes since then and thus, temples in Yongan Siang reserves the beautiful and charming decorative roof features of Chinese temple building and the couplets on the main gate of temples always serve the educational function.

    Presbyterian Church in Yunghua was founded in 1956 and the church hall was built in 1962 on the existing site.

    Temple of Mazu ,
    Goddess of the Sea

    In the era of Tongjhi in Cing Dynasty (hundred years ago), residents of down- town Jiading was dislocated due to the serious flood; Huang Machen and Huang Mafu moved to Yongan and brought a Sanma stature from Jinruan Temple of downtown Jiading. In 1871, a public housing site was built as worshipping site. During Japanese ruling over Taiwan, Sanma stature was confiscated by Japanese and put in police station of Wushulin. One of the villagers, Mr. Lin Wuanneng stole the stature for conservation. The public worshiping site was used as agricultural offices by Japanese and resumed its religious function after Taiwan's retrocession from Japan. In 1967, followers donated and collected fun to rebuild Yongan Temple and the construction completed in 1972. With the completion of Mercy Buddha Temple, the outlook of Yongan Temple appears to be in grandness.

    Yongan Temple is located to Southeast front and Northwest back with the area of more than 300 ping. It has the so called three river and five gate entrance, one front temple and two back temples. Sanma stature has the longest worshiping history from Meijhou, China to downtown Jinruan Temple of downtown Jiading, and then to Yongan Temple. Religious followers of Yongan Temple comes to

    Two hundred year religious center of Weisin Village Wensing Temple
    The old name of Weisin was Bamboo Kang, under the administration of Shoush- ang Li in Cin Dynasty and Mituo Jhuang during Japanese ruling over Taiwan, the earliest developed area of Yongan. In 1805, religious followers funded to build Wensing Temple to worship Cinshui Patriarch (Black-faced Patriarch), West Three Saints(Amitabha, Mercy Buddha, Mahasthamaprapta), Majur, and Monju. In the past two hundred years, although the temple has been worn out by rain and wind, yet many followers came a long way to worship. During Japanese ruling over Taiwan, Buddha statures were kept by residents for protection and the temple was rebuilt in 1978 with three years for completion. The painting on the main gates were the art work of Master Pan Li- shui and the temple kept the old couplet of "Understanding the Myth of Zan."

    Baoning Temple
    Baoning Temple mainly worships Cfucia- nsui Cianshui Patriarch and takes tun to worship Baosheng Buddha with Yialiao and Dashe every six years. It is said that Baoning formed clustering during Kangsi era of Cing Dynasty and its early settler, Su Feng-jii and others, crossed the ocean for exam, yet bumped into reef and they were rescued after praying to Baosheng Buddha. They, therefore, built the temple as a token of appreciation. Statures of Buddha were kept by local residents, and the worshipping site was changed from public temple to private housing unit. It was till 1946, the first director of the village funded to build the public worship- ping temple and in 1970, it was rebuilt as Baoning Temple. In 1977, the temple was dismantled for re-building.

    The old name of Baoning Village is "Wushulin" and was separated from the administration of Mituo Siang and renam- ed as "Wuhua Village" meaning dense woods. Later, in 1961, it was renamed as "Baoning Village" in accordance with the main temple in the village, "Baoning Temple."
